Savannah Sparrow at the Inn
American Tree Sparrows at the Inn Fox Sparrow at the Inn
Common Loon flying past Tangle Lake
A flock of caribou along the Highway
Blackpoll Warbler
Orange Crowned Warbler
One of the great Denali Highway views
White-Crowned Sparrow
Gray Jay
MacClaren Lakes
This was one of the highest spots we got to in Alaska
Tundra scenes from near the Maclaren Summit (above photos)
Above: Common Loons
Northern Harrier
Arctic Ground Squirrel
This Bald Eagle was on the ground on the side of the road
Above three: Views of the Denali Highway
More tundra
There were many little ponds on the tundra
Flying Merlin
Mew Gull
Juvenile Mew Gull
Above: This Moose walked along the road
Willow Ptarmigan
Common Raven
He had a porcupine quill in his face!
These distant caribou were spotted on a snow bank
Above: More tundra scenes
Alder Flycatcher
Above and Below: Closeup shots of the turning tundra
A view of the general area around the eastern Denali Highway (Today's Photos)

Cool photos! Thanks!
Superb pictures! Did you take these pictures? Where did you capture them? :)
Denali Highway in Alaska (Route 8, not to be confused with Denali National Park). AMAZING scenery...
I will have more comments and captions soon by the way...
Really good photos: Do you keep adding to the existing post?
I am done with the photos from the whole trip now... I just have to make sure they are in the right order and add the captions... That will take awhile! I have a few photos from Big Cypress also from 12/2006...
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