Spent another day birding with BJ Stacey. We started the day birding further east in San Diego County, out in the Cleveland National Forest Area. Then he showed me some places in South Bay in Imperial Beach, and we went to Delta Beach on Coronado for the rare Red-Necked Stint. We saw it, but it was too far for me to get a photo! Another lifer we saw was a California Thrasher, but I also missed the photo of that!
Kitchen Creek Road in Cleveland NF, East San Diego County (Link)
Above and Below: Rufous Crowned Sparrow

Some cool trees
Phainopepla (above and below)

Photos from the Cibbets Flat Campground area on the road
Blue Darter
Steller's Jay
Western Tanager
Above and Below: Lawrence's Goldfinches
Nice Jimson Weed shot
Pacific Slope Flycatcher
Band-Tailed Pigeon (Descanso, Calif.)
Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Paso Picacho Campground) (link)
Above and Below: Pygmy Nuthatch
White-Breasted Nuthatch
Say's Phoebe
American Crow
Above and Below: California Ground Squirrel

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Paso Picacho Campground) (link)


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