The flights home were red-eye (Seattle to Minneapolis, Minneapolis to Detroit, and then Detroit to Buffalo) so not many good shots. We did get these two shots of Grand Island, NY....
Sunday, July 24, 2005
July 24, 2005: Flight Home (Seattle-Minneapolis-Detroit-Buffalo)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
July 23, 2005: Westport, Washington Pelagic Bird Trip, Mount Rainier
Almost all of today was spent on a pelagic birding trip, heading out 50 miles off shore into the Pacific Ocean into the Gray's Canyon area. This area is a great spot for sea birding.
Our boat was chartered by Westport Seabirds Pelagic Birding. They do several trips throughoug the year for the purpose of locating offshore birds. The group was excellent, and highly reccomended. We saw lots of things (see the official list on their site for 7/23/05), but all the BLACK FOOTED ALBATROSS up close had to have been a highlight!
At one point, we came up near the "Pacific Dove", a fishing vessel based in Westport. Lots of cool birds were hanging around the boat looking for chum, including BLACK-FOOTED ALBATROSS, NORTHERN FULMAR, TUFTED PUFFIN, WESTERN GULLS, and more.
This trip took all day, with a 5:30AM departure, and getting back into harbor around 4:30PM. It is a rough trip, so bring motion sickness medicine if you are prone to that! It is very much worth it though to see the cool birds!
After a quick seafood meal in Westport, we headed east, to Mount Rainier National Park. We got there late, around 8PM, so we did not have much time, other than to drive around the park quickly, and head into Seattle. This was necessary because we had a red-eye out of Sea-Tac Airport, leaving at 12:15AM
California Gull
Humpback Whales
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
Above 2: Leach's Storm Petrel
Friday, July 22, 2005
July 22, 2005: Portland, Oregon (Zoo, Washington Park, Audubon Center)
Also in Washington Park, Portland's Oregon Zoo was our next stop. This is a nice zoo, and it is large, so we spent quite some time visiting here. We got quite a few good photos, which are displayed below.
Our next stop, also in the scenic Washington Park area, was the Portland Audubon Society, on Cornell Road. This is another cool place to visit, as they have a nice visitor center, with a library, bird mounts, a few educational raptors, and a very active birdfeeder! (Pictures will be featured below)
For dinner, we ate at Rock Bottom in downtown Portland, and each had a delicious Fish Fry, but with Salmon! We headed in the evening north into Washington, and west to Westport, where we would get a very early start the next morning on a pelagic bird trip!
Downtown Portland from the Rose Garden (too cloudy for Mt. Hood)
Unidentified ibis species
White-Faced Ibis
Stork with mouse
Cattle Egret
Inca Tern
Unidentified Vulture
Common Goldeneye
White-Faced Whistling Duck
Wood Duck (eclipse)
Ruddy Duck
Bald Eagle
Kimodo Dragon
Sea life at the zoo
Penguins at the zoo