The power went out around 10pm Thursday. I was trying to call Melissa to tell her to stay in Rochester but she was completely unaware of our surprise event! Around 11pm I heard a huge crash: A large branch from our front maple tree fell and tore the wires for power, phone, and cable off of the house. This would be the case until Sunday evening. (See last picture on the blog)
Melissa got home around 11:45 pm and had to park the car in the neighbor's driveway! Just after we moved it, a huge limb came down and crashed into where her car had been parked!
Melissa took this great shot at Sunday
A mess of trees in our front yard
All of the front yard trees were severly weighted down.
More front yard
Clearing out the birdfeeder area was quite a task
More heavy trees in the backyard
Because weather has been great up to now, our fuschia was still blooming
Looking west through our backyard at the neighbors to the west
An eerie view of our backyard with the damage
Many of the trees in the woods behind us were severly bending, but most survived
Snow piled up on our bluebird house (and yes that's about a foot of water in our yard)
Looking at the back of the house from the backyard
About 24" of snow in the birdfeeder area

A view of our driveway, complete with downed limbs and power wires. This remained this way until Sunday evening
This Silver Maple in front might not make it
Our neighbors yard to the east (Melissa's car's temporary home)
The western end of our lot in the backyard
Our water hydrant in the front of the house!
Genesee Street looking west
Views of the front of our house
Looking east on Genesee Street
More front yard mess (above 2 photos)
The siding was ripped off the side of the house when the branches fell on the wires