We had a brief but interesting birding outing this evening, at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (Interactive Map). Most of the time was spent on the Onondaga Trail, off of Sour Springs Road (refuge area road map). As we walked along the first part of the trail, next to the swamp, we had many YELLOW WARBLERS, YELLOWTHROATS, and heard one BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER. We also thought we heard a YELLOW-THROATED VIREO. Further along the trail, in the forest, we heard HOODED WARBLER and SCARLET TANAGER but could not get a look. We saw many ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, and had our first VEERY of the year, and saw a WOOD THRUSH.
While leaving, on Sour Springs Road, we had a WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, and also an EASTERN KINGBIRD. On Casey Road, CLIFF SWALLOWS on a wire. On Meadville Road, one COMMON MOORHEN. Cayuga Pool was quiet.
Wood Thrush
White-Crowned Sparrow
Eastern Kingbird
Cliff Swallow
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